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Dan and Adam from Altenburg Advisory joined Doug Lawson from Mark to Market for a webinar on ‘Acquisition Funding: A Debt Perspective with Altenburg Advisory’

Dan and Adam from Altenburg Advisory joined Doug Lawson from Mark to Market for a webinar on ‘Acquisition Funding: A Debt Perspective with Altenburg Advisory’   Read more


Approaching lenders for non-emergency funding – what do you need to know?

As we covered in our last blog, the business lending community is increasingly focused on government-backed emergency loan schemes and are making fewer loans outside of those schemes. The number… Read more


Altenburg Advisory helps Windsor Telecom Accelerate Growth

Windsor Telecom Ltd (“Windsor”), a company focused on making technology easy and enjoyable for businesses of all sizes, is excited to announce it has secured a multi-million-pound funding package, enabling… Read more


90% of all current SME lending is emergency funding – but is it always the right financing solution?

Analysis that we’ve done here at Altenburg Advisory shows that around 90% of all lending to UK SMEs in April and May has been extended using CBILS or BBLS (Bounce… Read more