Category: Blogs

Altenburg latest news & insights


Funding for Lenders and the Wholesale Funding Journey

Since the banking crisis a decade ago the non-bank financial sector has become an increasingly important part of the SME financing market. However, to continue their growth trajectory non-bank financing… Read more


Defaults on CBILS and BBLS could run as high as £22 billion

Defaults on CBILS and BBLS loans could be as high as £22 billion if initial estimates from the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) are correct.* £22 billion of defaults would… Read more


Q3 2021 Update

ACP has seen strong growth in 2021, with over £120m of debt facilities advised on and arranged, an expanding team, and new central London offices opened Highlights It has been… Read more


Growing through acquisition? The importance of getting funding ready early

In an extremely active M&A market, it is crucial for buyers to ensure transaction funding is agreed early on in order to position themselves as the preferred bidder and increase… Read more


Debt facility for specialist lender Fresh Thinking Capital

Altenburg Advisory has supported Fresh Thinking Capital in raising a £25m financing facility from Foresight Group, a listed alternative investment manager. Altenburg Advisory worked closely with Fresh Thinking Capital and… Read more


Altenburg Advisory helps a Financial Services SAAS business secure a growth funding package

Altenburg Advisory has supported one of its clients in raising a debt facility to fund innovation-led growth and recovery post Covid-19. Our client provides settlement and reconciliation services to market-trading… Read more


UK corporates have seen their cash holdings jump 500% to £109bn since the pandemic began

A study we undertook using Bank of England data shows UK corporates have seen their aggregate net cash holdings rise over 500%, from £20bn to £109bn, since March 2020 and… Read more


Growth and acquisition facilities for Windsor Telecom, a cloud communications specialist

ACP Altenburg Advisory is delighted to have supported Windsor Telecom in raising additional debt financing to continue their growth by making two acquisitions to expand their customer and product portfolios:… Read more


Corporate ‘Carve-out’ deals are on the rise and there is strong funder appetite for the right deals

The value of corporate ‘carve-out’ deals has been on the rise in recent years, with private equity funds having acquired over £10.1bn of corporate carve-outs in the last year, up… Read more


Four new banks launched in first 10 months of the pandemic – more funding options for UK businesses

Four new banks were launched in the UK in the first ten months of the coronavirus crisis, adding to the 41 launched over the previous seven years, in a further… Read more